Question : (TCO 1) What is the primary goal of integrated healthcare delivery systems? Ensure that every hospital that is part of an integrated delivery system is equipped to meet all of its patients’ needs

Question : (TCO 1) What is the primary goal of integrated healthcare delivery systems?
Ensure that every hospital that is part of an integrated delivery system is equipped to meet all of its patients’ needs

Ensure that every hospital that is part of an integrated delivery system is equipped to meet all of its patients’ needs

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Ensure that patients receive high-quality, cost-effective care in the most appropriate setting

Ensure that every American has equal access to healthcare services

Ensure that healthcare-related information can be shared among all the facilities operating in the same community

Question 2. Question : (TCO 1) Which one of the first hospital established in the British Colonies of North America?

Massachusetts General Hospital

New York Hospital

Pennsylvania Hospital

Cortez Hospital

Question 3. Question : (TCO 1) Why was American Medical Association (AMA) not able to reform medical profession until 1874?

Because it was a small organization

Because it encouraged state licensing boards

Because members had ties to the medical schools

Because of its large membership base

Question 4. Question : (TCO 2) Members of the AHIMA House of Delegates are

appointed by the AHIMA Board of Directors.

elected by the AHIMA Board of Directors.

elected by members in state component organizations.

elected by the AHIMA Nominating Committee.

Question 5. Question : (TCO 2) The primary function of the American Health Information Management Association is to

ensure that accurate and complete medical records are written for every hospital patient.

standardize the content and format of the health records maintained by acute and emergency care facilities.

promote the accuracy, confidentiality, and accessibility of health records in every healthcare setting.

provide support for two- and four-year health information management educational programs.

Question 6. Question : (TCO 2) Which organization’s goal is centered primarily on health information technology?





Question 7. Question : (TCO 2) Which of the following funded grants to educate health information technology professionals?

American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009

American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC)

None of the above

Question 8. Question : (TCO 2) Which of the following is true about Medical Billing and Coding professionals?

They assign medical codes to patient diagnoses and procedures



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