Sample Psychology Paper on The Effect of Freudian psychoanalysis

The effect of Freudian psychoanalysis

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Psychoanalysis is a set of psychotherapeutic and psychological processes, theories, and techniques proposed by Sigmund Freud during the 1980s. The technique argued that it is often the childhood forgotten events and experiences that determine a person’s developmental processes. In addition, the irrational drivers determine and influence human mannerism, attitude, as well as experiences.

The Freudian psychoanalysis is a special kind of medical treatment in which the patient is required to express personal thoughts, fantasies, as well as dreams verbally. The analyst or doctors use tease patient-specific outcomes to infer the likely unconscious conflicts suggested being the likely case of the sickness symptoms (Edelson, 1990).

This type of treatment was widely accepted in America during initial days in the 1980s. However, it led to several different effects on the public that initiated its widespread criticism. First, most American general public considered psychoanalysis to be a typical pseudoscience; it is just a belief or claim that has no scientific foundation. This led to the drastic drop in the popularity and wider adoption of this treatment method.

Most Americans did not accept the suggestion of the unconscious state as used in this treatment method. They pointed out that it is possible to observe all human behaviors especially for interring the corresponding mental activities. The unconscious mind was not validated in the field of social as well as cognitive psychologies. These reasons that made the Americans distrust the effectiveness and scientific background of this mode of treatment (Gabbard, Litowitz, & Williams, 2012).

Recent developments in the neuroscience have further complicated the concept of unconscious mind. The new findings have not provided any basis for unconscious processing of emotions. This has made American continue to believe that psychoanalytic theory is irrelevant and obsolete. At the moment, many Americans continue to disbelieve in the Freudian psychoanalysis treatment despite the steadfast efforts put forward by the American Society of Psychoanalysis to affirm its basis. Today, its influence is still diminishing among the American general public.



Edelson, M. (1990). Psychoanalysis: A theory in crisis. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Gabbard, G. O., Litowitz, B. E., & Williams, P. (2012). Textbook of psychoanalysis.Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publication.

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