SOCI 1001 Sociology- Week 9: Social Class Essay.

SOCI 1001 Sociology- Week 9: Social Class Essay.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Social World Essay: due next Tuesday- 13
Social inequality and class?
De&ning/conceptualizing class
Marxian and Weberian ideas about class and inequality
Does social class have any in,uence on your future? SOCI 1001 Sociology- Week 9: Social Class Essay.
Is class purely economic? Pierre Bourdieu
Social Inequality…it is the unequal distribu1on of resources in society: can be economic, social
and poli1cal. This distribu1on endures and changes over 1me.
o People’s circumstances and fortunes change. Some groups will end up with higher
educa1on, and economy, some will end up with lower.
Class: wealth, economic criteria, consumerism, “di7erent walks of life”.
The average individual income is $38,700… Top individual $381,000
Income Survey.SOCI 1001 Sociology- Week 9: Social Class Essay.


10% of income earners $80,400*
1% of income earners $381,300*
0.1% of income earners $685,000**
0.01% of income earners $2.57 million**
*Na1onal Household Survey (2011), **Sta1s1cs Canada T1FF (2010)
If you were to classify social classes in Canada, From Kenall Murray and Linden they talked
about the old and new upper classes.
Old upper class-inherited wealth
New upper class- new money/entrepreneurs.
Upper middle class: university educa1on, high income, more control over work
Lower middle class: post-secondary educa1on, but di7erent jobs and condi1ons-lower
level managers and white-collar oHce workers.
Working Class: rela1vely unskilled, lower paying jobs
Working Poor: working but barely above the poverty line…seasonal work, low paid jobs etc.
1 in 7 Canadians live in poverty…many think that the government does not acknowledge
this group and see their hard-working e7orts to get by, paying taxes and bills.
The Underclass: lower levels of educa1on, much lower income and high rates of
unemployment…around poor/poverty. -just trying to get by day to day and have the bare
Class as Socioeconomic Status (SES)… this includes lower, middle and upper class. Covers and
takes in to account the occupa1onal status, income, and educa1on. These take form into
di7erent advantages and disadvantages.
Occupa1onal status maIers because: there is a dis1nc1on between di7erent type of
labours, that could have more value to others because of what the job entails. Although
it does not necessarily always mean this occupa1on makes more than one with lower
value to it. SOCI 1001 Sociology- Week 9: Social Class Essay.
Not Antagonis1c but recognizes inequality.
Tends to see inequali1es as a re,ec1on of di7erences in skills, value of jobs in society
etc., i.e. as somewhat inevitable (func1onalist)
Marxian Class
Class is central concept for understanding the nature of power and inequality.
In Capitalist socie1es there are 3-4 main classes…
The Bourgeoisie -owning class
The Pe1t-bourgeoisie- small business owners
The Proletariat-working class- those who work for others in exchange for a wage and
The Underclass- “Lumpenproletariat”, the class of unemployed, marginalized and
:Marxian Class theory sees classes in society having opposing interests- wealth is socially not
individually created: wealth crea1on relies on having a class of people who have to work in
order to live.
Using a Marxian concept of class-it’s possible to study class in di7erent socie1es.
Class posi1on and structure over 1me remains- there’s division between who owns
what and their posi1on.
Even though individuals and groups can experience social mobility (upwards and
downwards) a class structure remains over 1me.
Classes will change by shrinking and expanding.
Class Consciousness-aware of class interests: not pronounced in the working class but in the
owning classes. People are will protect their interests.
The Paradise Papers, Bilderberg group…famous people to see through what needs to get done
with social classes. SOCI 1001 Sociology- Week 9: Social Class Essay.
Marx saw the working class as the revolu1onary class: technically the majority of people
in Canada are part of the working class.
Weberian Class
A social class for Weber: a category of people that “have in common a speci&c causal
component of their life chances.” – all share in common something that will determine a
par1cular outcome in their life.
Class as Socioeconomic Status (SES)… this includes lower, middle and upper class. Covers and
takes in to account the occupa1onal status, income, and educa1on. These take form into
di7erent advantages and disadvantages.
Occupa1onal status maIers because: there is a dis1nc1on between di7erent type of
labours, that could have more value to others because of what the job entails. Although
it does not necessarily always mean this occupa1on makes more than one with lower
value to it.
Not Antagonis1c but recognizes inequality.
Tends to see inequali1es as a re,ec1on of di7erences in skills, value of jobs in society
etc., i.e. as somewhat inevitable (func1onalist)
Marxian Class
Class is central concept for understanding the nature of power and inequality.
In Capitalist socie1es there are 3-4 main classes…
The Bourgeoisie -owning class
The Pe1t-bourgeoisie- small business owners
The Proletariat-working class- those who work for others in exchange for a wage and
The Underclass- “Lumpenproletariat”, the class of unemployed, marginalized and
:Marxian Class theory sees classes in society having opposing interests- wealth is socially not
individually created: wealth crea1on relies on having a class of people who have to work in
order to live.
Using a Marxian concept of class-it’s possible to study class in di7erent socie1es.
Class posi1on and structure over 1me remains- there’s division between who owns
what and their posi1on.
Even though individuals and groups can experience social mobility (upwards and
downwards) a class structure remains over 1me.
Classes will change by shrinking and expanding. SOCI 1001 Sociology- Week 9: Social Class Essay.
Class Consciousness-aware of class interests: not pronounced in the working class but in the
owning classes. People are will protect their interests.
The Paradise Papers, Bilderberg group…famous people to see through what needs to get done
with social classes.
Marx saw the working class as the revolu1onary class: technically the majority of people
in Canada are part of the working class.
Weberian Class
A social class for Weber: a category of people that “have in common a speci&c causal
component of their life chances.” – all share in common something that will determine a
par1cular outcome in their life. SOCI 1001 Sociology- Week 9: Social Class Essay.

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