Sociology Research Paper on Crossing Arizona


            “Crossing Arizona” demonstrates significant aspects of
immigration sociology. Moreover, it focuses on cases of restrictions,
immigration policies, struggle, and legislation in relation to the immigration
from Mexico to the United States. The film highlights on the issues that cause
immigration, citing neoclassical economies as a vital factor. The immigration
of the people through Arizona desert is to enable them to secure employment and
better living conditions. The immigrants move in the quest of balancing the
demand and supply equilibrium in the United States labor market. In the film,
the push and pull factors evident in relation to the immigrants, therefore, include
poverty, unemployment, environmental factors, economic opportunity, and
freedom. The movie also addresses the significance of having a cohesive family
unit. This is evident among the women and children crossing through the Arizona
desert despite its harsh conditions to reunite with their family members,
especially husbands in the US. In exploring the significant political, economic,
and social circumstances behind the immigration process, the film also focuses
on stereotypes and prejudice that play a role in the immigration experience.

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            Stereotypes and prejudice play a significant role in the
immigrant experience through establishing a common platform for the
implementation of human rights and immigration policies. People like Mike
Wilson and Chris Simcox contribute to the development of the realities behind
the aspect of illegal immigration, and the related consequences. As a native
activist, Mike Wilson acts in favor of the immigrants through scattering jugs
of water along the paths regularly used during the migration process. Mike is
motivated by the economic factors that cause the continued immigration and
suffering of the immigrants across the Arizona desert. However, Chris Simcox
practices a different approach to immigration through establishing a civilian
patrol group meant to guard the border using their personal weapons. Chris is
motivated by the illegal concept of the immigration process and how negatively
it affects the natives. The film offers an elaborate outlook on the influx of the
Mexican immigrants crossing to America through Arizona, the idea behind the
illegal immigration, and border security.

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