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Beckham Clooney, an electronics engineer and Hylton London, a retired taxidermist, have been next-door neighbours in Lewisham for more than 15 years. Beckham and Hylton have had many disagreements over the years and their relationship as neighbours is now very poor. Hylton often throws things over the back fence into Beckham’s garden, such as coke cans, empty vodka bottles and used cigarette butts. Beckham has tried to speak to Hylton, but Hylton won’t allow him onto his property. Quite often their conversations end up as ‘’shouting matches’’ over the fence.

Hylton doesn’t keep his property tidy, and there are frequently strong smells of rotting food coming into Beckham’s property. Beckham is sure he has even seen a very large rat in his garden, and he guesses where it came from. On one occasion Beckham discovered a small fire in his garden, caused, he is sure, by Hylton carelessly throwing an unextinguished cigarette over the fence. Thankfully it was a Saturday morning, and Beckham was at home and was able to respond quickly.

Hylton also has a collection of more than 20 ‘’vintage’’ bicycles, which are rusting in the front garden and make his property look very unattractive. Beckham can’t remember Hylton ever having painted his house in the time they have been neighbours, and there are two broken windows on the upper floor, which have never been fixed.

Beckham desperately wants to sell his house and has had his property on the market for two years. However, potential viewers are being put off by condition of the neighbouring property, especially the smells of rotting food, and Hylton shouting obscenities out of his front window, whenever he sees a stranger approach Beckham’s front door. Beckham has had no serious interest in anyone wanting to buy his house.

Beckham is emotionally distressed by all of his problems with Hylton, can’t sleep well at night, and as a result is making in his job. Beckham has now been warned by his boss that unless ha improves his concentration and attention to detail, he now risks losing his job.

Advise Beckham of his legal rights against Hylton, and what the legal options or remedies open to him would be. You also should advise of any other legal actions that could be taken against Hylton.
Concider: What types of legal actions are open to Beckham (e.g. civil or criminal or both)
Who (which people) would commence these actions?
Where would the actions be heard (in which courts)?
What any possible results/outcomes could be?
Any alternative suggestions you may have for resolving the problem


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